The Origin of Dragon
The earliest dragon figures were found in Xinglongwa culture (6200-5400 BC) and Hongshan culture (4700-2900 BC) which both located in southern Mongolian plateau, these areas have never been reached by agricultural civilisation in history. Until about 2000 BC, the dragon was spread to China after the nomadic leader “Yellow Emperor” conquered China.

Altaic people have conquered and ruled China for thousands of years, the very first recorded dynasty of China, Xia(夏), was established by the Altaic leader “the Yellow Emperor”. Chin(秦), Northern Wei(北魏), Sui(隋), Tang(唐), Lyao(遼), Jin(金), Yuan(元), Qing(清), all these dynasties were established by Altaic people.
Dragon caught in Mongolia
Today Chinese generally claim themselves as “龍的傳人(the Descendants of the dragon)”, which is a grievous mistake! In ancient China, if a Chinese dare to call oneself “dragon” would be concerned as “大逆不道之罪(an unforgivable heavy offence)”, which would cause “殺無赦(a direct death penalty)”!

The dragon was a symbol of the Altaic rulers, a symbol of invasion and conquest from the north. Chinese civilians were the victims of “龍威(the Dragon’s anger)”, they suffered under the dragon for thousands of years. For Chinese civilians, the dragon represents oppression, power and cruelty, ancient Chinese fear the Altaic invaders from the north, fear the dragon.
In Altaic culture, the dragon also expressed as a snake or lizard, is the symbol of might and power. It is believed, especially in mountainous Central Asia, that dragons still live in the mountains of Tengri Tagh and Altay. Dragons also symbolise the Tengri (the High Sky) in ancient Altaic tradition, although dragons themselves are not worshipped as gods.

A fisherman in Inner Mongolia, China captured what looks like a real chinese dragon. The dragon has since been transported to Beijing for further studies

Another alleged capture of a “Dragon” happened in Mongolia a few years ago as well. Real or fake. Still something to think about…