How to earn money on


1- Post your story on blogygold
قم بإضافة مقالك على موقع المدونة الذهبية

From day one, on the right side of profile page, you can see how much money your articles had earned, this money is not accessible until you have completed our requirements

من اليوم الاول سوف يظهر عدد المشاهدات الخاصة بكل مقال تقوم بنشره ويمكنك ان تراقب العائد المادي من خلال الضغط على صفحة البيانات الشخصية الخاصة بك

2- Help your story reach an audience ساعد على وصول مقالك إلى اكبر عدد ممكن من القراء

Only two steps required to apply for Partner Program:

خطوتان فقط تحتاجها لإتمام عملية تفعيل عضويتك معنا

  • Content Creator has reached at least 5 articles published over last 3 months period ان لا يقل حسابك عم خمسة مقالات خلال ٣ اشهر
  • Earned USD 10 لا يقل حسابك عن ١٠ دولار

This allows us to improve our ability to identify creators who contribute positively to the community and help drive more ad revenue to them. These standards also help us prevent potentially inappropriate articles or videos from monetizing.

3- Receive money with your PayPal account or selected optionاستلم نقودك من خلال حساب ال بايبال الخاص بك

Once your posts reaches the program threshold, your activity is reviewed to make sure your content adheres to the blogygold policies, We’ll email you to let you know as soon as the process is complete. You can also check the status of your application at Your Profile Page. The process may take up to several days.

  • If you’re approved:
    • You’ll start earning money on blogygold right away.
  • If you’re not approved:
    • If your application isn’t approved to join the program, it’s likely because we cannot determine whether your posts activity complies with the blogygold policies.

Tutorial Video