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10. Brown Hare

The Brown Hare’s long back legs enable them to reach speeds of 77kph (48mph), the same speed as their predator the red fox.


Picture Credit:moronfoluwa

9. Blue Wildebeest

The Blue Wildebeest, Springbok and Thompson’s gazelle can all run at about 80kph (50mph) which almost exactly matches the top speed of a lion.


Picture Credit:Victor isaac

8. Marlin

Marlin can swim at 80kph (50mph), just beaten for the title of the world’s fastest fish by the super speedy Sail Fish.


Picture Credit:Moronfolu

7. Pronghorn Antelope

The Pronghorn antelope is the second fasted land animal and at 98kph (60mph) can out-sprint predators.


Picture Credit:Victor Isaac.

6. Sail Fish

The sail fish is easily the world’s fastest fish, speeding through the water at 110kph (68mph)!


Picture Credit:Victor isaac

4. Cheetah


The fastest animal in the world is of course the cheetah. This animal is actually only slightly faster than the pronghorn antelope, and can reach speeds of up to 61 miles per hour. This record was set by an 11 year old cheetah in 2012 named Sarah. Unlike most of the other animals on this list, the cheetah is a predator. It represents a serious threat to animals on this list that inhabit the same geographic areas (not just grasslands, but forest environments as well).

The cheetah is a sprinter, not a long distance runner, but pairs agility with speed for deadly attack runs. Cheetahs are also very fast accelerators, and can ramp up their speed four times faster than human beings can. They can also pull to a stop extremely fast. It is also interesting to note that the speed and agility of the cheetah is not matched by strength. The cheetah is fairly fragile and will lose in most fights with other predators. As a result, they will quickly surrender prey to competitors. An injured cheetah may not be able to run quickly, which can put its life in danger.

Victor isaac

4. Spur-Winged Goose

The Spur-Winged Goose is the world’s largest goose and can fly at 142kph (88mph).


Picture Credit:Victor Isaac.

3. Frigate Bird

The frigate bird’s speed of 153kph(95mph) is helped by having the largest wingspan to body weight ratio of any bird. They are able to stay aloft for more than a week at a time!


Picture Credit:Victor Isaac.


A horse fly sitting on a rock.

According to an article published in Discover in 2000, an entomologist at the University of Florida attempted to recreate the mating behavior of the Hybomitra hinei wrighti horsefly. Males of this species chase and catch the females, and together they fall to the ground. To simulate this, the researcher fired a plastic pellet from an air rifle; the male horsefly chased the pellet, reaching speeds of at least 90 mph. Since then, little research has been done on the subject, and the result is noted as being “a noteworthy record” in “the unrefereed literature.

1. Peregrine Falcon

The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird, and in fact the fastest animal on the planet, when in its hunting dive, the stoop, in which it soars to a great height, then dives steeply at speeds of over 322kph (200mph). It reaches horizontal cruising speeds of up to 90 kph (56mph). Find out more fascinating information on Peregrine Falcons in our Animals A-Z section.


Picture Credit:

Isaac Victor

Am Victor am a Nigeria a native of ekiti state, I grow up in the city of Lagos,
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